Bak Fu Sun Yee Gong Info and News

The Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gung (White Tiger Heavenly Healing Methods) consists of 72 levels where each level, in turn, has several stages of training. The art is a complete Daoist internal training system in its own right with a special focus on developing healing energy. Learning and developing the skills of the entire system is a life long undertaking but the most important work is found in the early levels as these prepare the person for the higher level methods. It should be noted here that phrases such as "higher level methods" simply refer to later levels of training and that the earlier levels of training are just as valuable and "advanced" in their own right. The foundation methods stay with the practitioner throughout his or her entire life and are never really left behind as new layers to these exercises reveal themselves with proper practise over time. The training is done in a progressive manner where each level builds on the previous and the skills develop naturally as the student invests time and energy into the daily practice. The first few levels of the system share much in common with other Daoist Neigong methods in that they prepare the body, energy system and mind of the practitioner for the work ahead. The first of the 18 sitting Neigong exercises is extremely important to the Sunn Yee Gung practitioner. It begins the process of building the lower Dan Tien by filling it with Qi and during later stages of the first level it gives rise to the "inner thunder" and starts the process of forming the "elixir" as Yin and Yang are balanced by the practice. The practitioner is taught to feel the actual movement of energy inside and outside of the body, as opposed to relying on visualizations. Human imagination is very powerful and if we rely too much on mental imagery then we can deceive ourselves during training. The micro-cosmic orbit is achieved, or rather improved, during the first level practices as the energy circulation around the body, particularly along the spine, becomes stronger. This method does not use any strong mental focus or visualization for running the orbit, instead the increased circulation is just a natural outcome of the practice. The mind of the practitioner is trained to stay extremely calm and quiet, the stillness achieved being an important key to success in the later levels of the system.

Progress so far

The changes that have happened so far since my last post have been many.  My training has revealed much to me about the nature of SYG. I understand now how each stage of level progress' on the previous and I can internally feel it.When i ever i do the short standing moving form of SYG i get a good vibration and all of the hairs on my arms stand up from the internal power that is generated. The internal power that SYG is on a whole other level.

The spiritual experiences so far

Walking up the mountain that is SYG 1 step at a time I am starting to understand the mystical experience that is SYG, or so i thought.

Now after 1 month of doing SYG seated level 1 med I enjoy the buzzing and increase of inner power that i could feel but there other things that I noticed. I also noticed that my auric vision changed some what i could see more energetic colors than before. Also my mind was much more calm and if felt like almost anything that my mind wanted to touch was not that far out of range.

For the last month I trained like an animal and all the while I questioned Sifu Hearfield for more. At first the knowledge that came from sifu dripped out but as i continued to train that drip become a pouring river!

I told Sifu about the varying green and blue hues id see when id train plus the vibration that i felt. There was also a dream I had right after I started training in this. I had a dream that I got caught up by a torandao but i could control it and that this air essence was expanding from one of my energy centers. I told Sifu about this and he said, "Oh that might because that this style of neikung works with the air element a few of my students have had similar dreams like that." When Sifu told this I thought it was cool just another cool experience I had.

A few nights ago I went for a walk just to stretch my legs and to get some fresh air. While i was walking all of a sudden I felt like something bad was going to happen like i just knew it my senses were at a all time high. I knew something was out there something was about to happen but where? I internal tried to feel it out. I seen a man in the distance he seen that i was now fully prepared to take on anything that he might have. It was at this time that this "guy" turned around and started to walk in the other direction. Now normally i have good inuition but it was always more knowledge based like i just knew stuff but this time since i started doing SYG was more feeling based. i wasnt concerned about the man itself i was more concerned if I was caught off guard and wondered if  I wold have hurt him very badly or the other way around.

I thought i had some weird experiences but after speaking to Sifu Hearfield I realized that maybe i had more to learn and experience. Sifu told me that for one of his tests that with his energy he had to kill a fish and bring it back to life and that he had to move a cup from a distance! After he told me this i further realized that someday he might ask the same of me.....

After about a month when i was ready to move to level 2 seated one day Sifu told me that there was more to level 1 than what i knew. He told me that level 1 has 3 more stages and that I have been doing stage 1 of level 1. The next stage involved standing meditation to accumulate and strengthen my chi.

I inquired more about this and he told me that there were only 18 levels and that each level has 4 stages. Theres sitting, standing, and 2 different standing meditations for each level equaling 72 meditations and attainments.

Sifu told me that the inner thunder can awaken at any stage in level 1 but that all the stages of level 1 help with this. So then I theorized to Sifu that after the inner thunder is awakened at the lower dantian. That it would seem the continued work of all for stages of level 1 would strengthen and flow that thunder thru the body. I asked Sifu this and he said that I was correct.

So now I wonder if the inn thunder awakens in the full practice of level 1 what happens at level 2?

Level 1

Hello  my name is the Whtie Tiger Sage and i started learning the Omei Bak Fu Pai arts recently from the  WBBM Institute and recently just being accepted as a student.
I just started doing level 1 of the Bak Fu Sunn Yee Gong that is being taught by Sifu Garry Hearfield and Sifu Christer. Sifu told me that " the Sunn Yee Gong was the original practice of Bak Fu Pai's Internal Cultivation for healing ,health and longevity."

Sifu Hearfield is a pretty accomplished guy he is an ordained Taoist of the EverGreen Sect as well as being the gate keeper of the Omei Bak Fu Pai arts under Grandmaster Doo Wai.

Well anyways my progress in this neikung system after a few weeks has been pretty good. I have noticed that my inner power is stronger, my lower dantian spins, and I feel like I have alot more energy.

I also notice that the energy points in my hands buzz after practice as well as my whole body as well. Plus I generate a good heat when i practice too. As of late when I train I see in my inner mind a very deep blue and green hues almost like im being bathed in it. I told Sifu about this and all he said was "Good Progress!" I guess things like this are the norm when practicing the Sunn Yee Gong.

One of the many things that i like so much in training under Sifu Hearfield is that he knows so much about so many different taoists training techniques and theories. The pic below is of Sifu doing the yin yang mudra which cultivates yin and yang chi in the lower dantian.

 To my surprize that this is the same art that the Pai Mei (Bak Mei) guy from Kill Bill 2 also  practiced.

A little history of the Bak Fu Pai

from Wikipedia

During the reign of the Qing emperor Kangxi(1662–1722), the warriors of the Xilufan rebellion were so feared that the two ministers whom Kangxi ordered to quell the revolt fled China rather than face either the mercilessness of the Xilu warriors, which often involved beheading. In 1673, over a period of three months, the 128 monks of the southern Shaolin Temple defeated the Xilu army without suffering a single casualty(thats badass). However, by doing so they had made enemies of some Qing officers who were embarrassed by how easily the Shaolin monks had succeeded where they had failed.
Rumors soon began to spread about the threat posed by a power so great that it defeated the entire Xilu army with a force of only 128 monks. This campaign of innuendo was wasted on Kangxi, who remained grateful to the monks, but the rumors had their intended effect on his successor, the emperor YongZheng (1722–1735). He began his reign by plotting the temple's destruction and was said to have secretly recruited a band of renegade warrior monks from Tibet to carry out his plan.
In 1723, on the 6th day of the first new moon of the lunar calendar, a former Shaolin disciple named Ma Ning-Yee aided Qing forces to launch a sneak attack on the southern Shaolin Temple. They began the assault by bombarding the largely wooden monastery with a relentless deluge of burning arrows. Between the surprise attack, the fire, and the overwhelming number of Qing soldiers, 110 out of the 128 monks were killed that day. The Great Shaolin Purge took 70 days as Qing forces hunted down the 18 survivors. The surviving monks of Shaolin inflicted massive casualties on their Qing pursuers but, in the end, their numbers were too great.
Soon only five remained.
  • The Chan Jee Sin
  • The nun Ng Mui Si Tai
  • The Daoist Bak Mei
  • The Daoist Fung Do-Duk who later created the white tiger style
  • The "unshaved" (lay) disciple Miu Hin
After two years of running and hiding from the Qing army, these fugitives of the cloth regrouped at Mount Emei in Sichuan Province. As one of the sacred mountians of China, Mount Emei was home to about 70 monasteries and temples where the five clerics could blend in easily.
 All who made an attempt on his life ended up dead at Bak Mei's hands(no surprize). This included Jee Sin and Miu Hin's son Fong Sai Yuk (Miu Hin's grandson) whom Bak Mei had known since Sai Yuk was a small boy.

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